Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Beginning-Jumbled together

2005 PCOS-I have.. what did you say?
2008 Bi Polar- wait what?
2009 Factor V Leiden- Heh?
2009 Hyperhomocysteinemia- uuh....Supercalifrag.........oh screw it!
2009 Antiphospholipid Syndrome- Anti what?
2011 Asthma- Oh that is why I can hardly breathe lately. I have to quit smoking..WHAT?
2011 Fibromyalgia-wait a minute...that's why when someone touches there..OUCH, straight to my head and migraine the rest of the day
2011 Rheumatoid Arthritis- No wonder my bones be creeking and cracking

After years of watching my Thyroid levels rise, today I finally get someone to listen and I am now prescribed Synthroid.
Hypothroid-I knew it!! I've known it for years.

So I can now make a complete meal out of all the pills I have to take. Meds for Fibro pain, joint pain, multiple vitamins and minerals for PCOS, med for thyroid, asthma and I wonder what else is going to appear.

I am on a Gluten free, low carb diet now. It was easier to stop smoking. I have lost about 12lbs in 6 weeks. I sure miss pasta. A person with lots of Italian blood that can't have pasta..BS I tell ya!

I am slowly falling apart.

Anyway off health issues.

So I graduated college recently. Guess what that degree has gotten me....a BIG FAT NOTHING! I have applied to over 300 companies and only 4 called me back. I was overqualified for all. I am so desperate for a job I would have accepted any amount of pay they wanted to give, but no. Have to have my student loans deferred now. Ugh! STRESSED!!!

I just had a brain fart and lost everything I wanted to say. I think I partied too much when I was younger. Ah Oh well, I guess I should take my happy ass to sleep.